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How To Get Waves With Sportin' Waves Pomade- Wave Grease Hair Tutorial
This video shows you the Benefits of Wave Grease: How To Get 720 Waves or 360 Waves using Sportin' Waves Pomade. This is the Best Way to Use Sportin' Waves

Truth About Silky Durags for 360 Waves- Best Durag To Wear?
Watch this amazing video by J Lew on the Truth about Silky Durags: In this video, he details what is the Best Silky Durag for 360 Waves. Check out our blog for more information: Best Silky Durag

How To Use A Kit To Get 360 Waves: Wave Making Texturizer Kit (WaveBuilder Wave-Tex)
How To Get 360 Waves using a texturizer, kit, s curl, perm or whatever with Wavebuilder Wave-Tex Wave Making Texturizer Kit. Many people have told me that I use kits to get the results that I have so I figured it was time to be honest with you guys. I do use kits and in this video, I will show you how I apply the kits I use.

The Simple Science Behind How To Get 360 Waves With "Straight Hair" (Men Hairstyles)
How to get 360 waves with "straight hair": This simple science applies to all wavers, but it's easier to see in people with wavy hair. In this vid, I also address some of the comments and critics from my last video.

R.I.P. 720 WAVES: Scalping my WAVES and Going Back To 360 Waves!
Scalping 720 Waves: After cutting a bald spot in my crown, it's time to scalp my waves and start a new journey. Fault vs Responsibility by Will Smith Speech played in the background during scalp. If yall thought my vids were helpful before, just wait till I start making dedicated vids on 360s!
The Tools I Used For The Cut:
Andis Master Clippers, Andis SlimLine Pro Trimmers, Andis Magnetic Guards, Haircut Cape, Andis Cool Care Plus, and Black Krest Combs

How To Get 360 Waves: The Truth About Coarse Hair Wavers Texture!
The truth about coarse NOT "course" hair wavers for men with 360 waves. Coarse hair texture has the widest circumference and it contains all three layers of the hair shaft — cortex, cuticle, and medulla. It is often mistaken for "thick hair" or "nappy hair;" however, in this video, I provide the information necessary to help you better understand the truth about coarse hair texture for 360 waves.

What Are The Best Type of Durags To Wear, Buy or Use To Get 360 Waves?
Best durags to use to get 360 waves? Which type of durags to use? Silky Durags, Polyester Durags or cotton durags? In this blog, I go into greater detail on the top 10 best durags to buy on Amazon

AG Brush Wash Method for Torino Pro & Royalty Brushes | Best Way To Wash Your Wave Brushes
How to Clean Torino Pro Brush: BEST Way to Wash Wave Brush - AG Wash Method for Torino Pro and Royalty Brushes will bring your brushes back to life and it ensures no cracking. In this video, I used two curved brushes (one that was cracked and one that was not cracked) and an oval palm to show you how to properly wash your brushes according to the Hair Brush Maintenance Card found in every single Royalty or Torino Pro Box when you buy a brush from Brush King.

How to Grow Your Hair Thicker Naturally: 360 Waves Growth Challenge!
Hair Growth Challenge for Black Men: How to stop hair loss or prevent baldness by growing your hair thicker naturally. In this video, I will touch on the subject of hair loss and some of the reasons why people may lose their hair, as well as offer external solutions to help fight the battle based on the Art of Waving and Scalp Massages.

Why People Say Poppy Blasted Is A CopyCat & Are Royal Products A Scam?
Poppy Blasted is a copycat. Stop asking me to review Royal Products. They are overpriced cheap ingredients. Several people in the wave community have been taken advantage of by him and Jus Wavy while nobody says anything, BUUUUUTTT I don't condone that type of stuff because it's not just about making money to provide for your family....it's about respecting the culture. I made this vid because I'm tired of people asking me to review royal products and thinking Poppy Blasted and I are cool when he has been trying to capitalize on my content and other people's content without giving them the proper credit. Royal Products are a scam.

360 Waves: Truth About FLAT vs CURVED Brushes | BEST Way To Brush With BOTH
The best way to use flat brushes & curves brushes at the same time to brush your hair for 360 waves: Which brush is best to get 360 waves? What is the best way to brush to get waves with both? All of these questions and more answered, explained and demonstrated how you can get the best waves possible!

360 Waves: How To Fix the LINE in Your CROWN - BEST Way To Brush Your Crown!
How to get rid of or remove the big line in your 360 Waves Crown Method for 360 waves or 720 waves crown. Do you have a line in your 360 waves?

How to Grow a Beard Longer & Naturally: Beard Growth Guide for Men
How to Grow a Beard Faster, Thicker, Longer, and Fuller: Beginner's Guide for Black Men: In this video, I discuss the myths, beard products, and a few basics that helped me grow a real beard and not just facial hair naturally.

Truth on Natural Hair Textures | 360 Waves: Curl Pattern, Density & Porosity
The truth about natural hair textures for how to get waves to better: Curl Patterns (Hair Type), Hair Textures (Strand Size), Hair Density and Hair Porosity. This video serves as an introduction to an upcoming series that will detail each category to help wavers better understand their hair and how to take their waves to the next level! I hope you enjoy!

How To Get Waves With Murray's Pomade: BEST Wave Grease To Use in 2022
Best Way To Use Murray's Beeswax Pomade to Get 360 Waves: Hair Tutorial - This video explains how to get waves by using Murray's Pomade the best way to ensure you don't sacrifice your hair's health in the process!
Click to Buy Murray's Pomade

Truth About Wider Waves - Can Spacer Brushes Widen Your 360 Waves? | Torino Pro 1210 Brush Review
How to get wide waves: Do Spacer Brushes widen your 360 waves hair? The Torino Pro 1210 is a 5-row medium brush nicknamed "Gamora." In this video, I explain if it is truly possible to get wider waves with spacer brush, give history, and provide examples to help understand the principle of getting wider waves.

360 Waves: BEST Advice For THIN Hair Wavers! How To Get Waves With Thinning Hair Tutorial
JustinTime: Best Advice for thin hair wavers looking to promote hair growth and make the most progress!

Why I Turned Down the 360Jeezy Collab: Truth About The Wave Game - Idols Become Rivals
360 Waves: 360Jeezy is seen as the face of the wave game and we were supposed to collab; however, on his grind to the top, I watched how he dimmed people's light to make himself shine more, so it was no surprise when he tried to undermine my reputation and contributions. I always had respect for him from day one, but as time went on, the idea of a collab turned more into an "Idols Become Rivals" story. He secretly admires my work and never wanted to support me publicly, yet he finds every reason to negatively criticize me. This video details the reasons why I did not pursue the collab further as well as the sad truth about the wave game.
Disclaimer: Despite the reference to narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), this video is NOT a diagnosis for 360Jeezy because I am not a doctor. However, NPD is a very real thing and for the people who feel they may have encountered someone who has NPD, you can be left feeling worthless or inadequate. Please know that there is help out there!

How To Get 720 Waves: Started From The Scalp (Time Lapse with Progress)!
How I started from the scalp going from nothing to something in only 8 weeks. Scalp Season is over and this is my 8 Weeks progress from the scalp. This is the first for me to show how to get waves after scalping. If you want to know how to get a swirl, stay tuned because I will show you how to get a 360 waves swirl after being scalped. This was the fastest 360 wave progress going from 0 to 8 weeks ever!
Click to buy the WaveBuilder Cocoa and Shea Pomade

The Royal Scam: Goat Drip Hair Products by Poppy Blasted - Unpopular Opinions
My unpopular opinions on Royal Butter, Royal Thickening Butter, Goat Drip Butter and Moisturizer by "PB the Goat Merch." People have been asking me since they dropped, so I figured I would offer some facts to back up why I never supported their products. Click here to find the full comparison of Texas Tea vs Goat Drip

360 Waves: What To Do After a Haircut? Fresh Cut Hair Tutorial (Step by Step Method)
What should you do after a haircut tutorial? How should you clean your waves to remove the extra hair from a fresh cut? In this video, I will explain TWO methods to help you. The first is simple and does not require much explanation. The second method will be detailed in this tutorial.

The Truth About How To Get Waves For Beginners in 2022: BEST Hair Tutorial
How to get waves fast for beginners in 2022: This video provides the best knowledge to help you get 360 waves, buy the best wave products, know how to use the best wave brushes, and how to make the fastest wave progress! Check out our blog for more on How To Get Waves!

How To Grow A Longer Beard: Morning Routine for Men with Curly Hair
My Morning routine to show you how to grow a longer beard faster for men with curly hair. As a Black man, growing a beard can be frustrating with our kinky, coily and curly type hair; however, it doesn't have to be. The tips offered here has helped my beard growth long and healthy.

Truth About Moisture for Natural Hair & 360 Waves: Best Advice To Moisturize Your Hair
The truth about moisture offers the best advice to help you moisturize your 360 waves and natural the best way. This is not the Moisture Method or a Moisturizer Method, this is what you need to know about products and what the best way to moisturize your waves.

360 Waves: The Truth About Wolfing & Over Curling - Natural Hair Tips!
360 Waves: The truth about wolfing, over curling, & over wolfing.
Over curl - When your hair grows too long and becomes unruly.
Over wolf - When your waves begin to lose progress from wolfing.
Knowing the difference between the two and how you can avoid both is the key to getting waves faster!

How to ZERO GAP your CLIPPERS: Andis SlimLine Pro Li (360 Waves)
How to zero gap your clippers. I will be 0 gapping the Andis SlimLine Pro Li Trimmers, but the concept is the same! Here is where you can find the Andis SlimLine Pro Trimmers!

360 Waves: WaveBuilder Cocoa and Shea Pomade - DETAILED Product Review
Pomade Challenge - Taking a closer look for a detailed product review about why I choose to use WaveBuilder's Cocoa and Shea Butter Pomade for waves, as well as provide tips on how to use it! You can apply this to your 360 wave crown and it is a great, cheap product for 360 waves and can be bought here on Amazon!

How To Cut Your Own Hair: Cutting 720 Waves Against The Grain 💈
How to Cut Your Own Hair - Hair Cutting Wave Tutorial: I will show you how to cut your own hair at home. After a 10 Week Wolf, cutting 720 waves against the grain is the best way to get an even cut. Against the grain hair cuts are the safest way to cut waves and maintain progress! Cutting 360 waves or cutting 720 waves? It doesn't matter which pattern you have as long as you keep the guard on the clippers high, you can learn how to cut your waves yourself and save money!

360 Waves: BRUSH TILL "DRY" Wash Method | BEST Way To WASH Your Waves
360 Waves: Brush Till"Dry" Wash Method...The best way to wash your short hair for men and women looking to get waves. This is a method that many OG wavers use instead of the Wash & Style Method. In this vid, I give some tips and secrets to help speed up the process. This entire wash took me 45 minutes from wash to ragging up.

How To Use Curve Brushes For Swirls: Torino Pro Curve Brush vs Crown Quality (CQP) Brush Review!
FATALITY: Torino Pro #370 Curve Brush Review - How To Use A Curve Brush for 360 Waves Swirl Crown.

RED by KISS: Premium Silky Satin Durag Review - 360 Waves EXCLUSIVE
Red by Kiss asked me to do an exclusive review of their Premium Silky Smooth Satin Durags that was recently upgraded with extra long tails. They launched in May 2018.

How To Get Waves Without Using A Brush: The Truth Comb for Short Hair!
Truth About How To Get 360 Waves Without Using a Brush: The Truth Comb is made for short hairstyles and beards or people with curly hair. During the 6,000 year timeline of combs, a lot of initiatives have made men and women better looking, more groomed, attractive and well-presented. The Truthcomb is a part of that long history--AND IN 2019--INTRODUCES a better way to groom!

How To Wash Your 360 Waves: Best Way To Clean Your Hair - Shea Moisture Shampoo
Low Porosity Short Hair Wash Method: How to wash your 360 waves--best way to shampoo your waves and the best way to clean your hair! In this video, I am using the Shea Moisture Low Porosity Shampoo.

360 Waves: How To Properly Use A Hard Brush To Get Waves - OG Diane 8159
How to properly use a hard brush to get waves or the best way to use a hard brush (OG Diane 8159) while wolfing is a major question people with 360 Waves, 540 Waves and 720 Waves typically ask me. Therefore, I made this video to show people how to properly use a hard brush for 360 waves to get healthier hair!

Hair Loss Causes for Men: How to Stop Hair Loss Naturally & Thicken Thinning Hair
How to stop hair loss naturally by thickening your sides: Hair loss or thin hair for men can result from scalp calcification and many other things that I will address in this video.

Secrets On How To Get "Flawless" Waves Fast: 360 Waves for Beginners
My secret and tips on my 13 Weeks from the scalp progress on how to get "flawless" 360 waves for beginners. I am not truly flawless, but this is the fastest progress I have ever made and in this video, I will share everything that I did to help me speed up the process.